Expert service excellently executed
Repair Service
R&D Elektronik repairs your electronic components and products as a full-service E²MS provider.
From customised service concepts to worldwide delivery, we offer the optimum repair service for PCB/ printed circuit boards, modules, devices (electrical, electromechanical or electronic) and complex systems.
Specially trained employees carry out repairs on your components – regardless of manufacturer, i.e. also for products that do not originate from our company. Our technicians are supported by our repair database, which not only contains product group-specific device histories, but also defined repair processes and repair descriptions tailored to the device.
At your request, we can also take care of the complete material procurement, storage of defective parts, disassembly, repair and reassembly, as well as the final functional test of your entire portfolio. If required, we can stock the appropriate spare parts so that repairs can be carried out as quickly as possible.
A detailed repair report completes the service provided by R&D Elektronik.

Repair service Lenze Industry PC
R&D Elektronik offers: Decades of experience in manufacturing and repairing Digitec / Lenze industrial PCs. We diagnose and repair all products, both current and discontinued. R&D has complete documentation, including construction plans, specialist knowledge of software and direct links to the manufacturer.
Spare parts are available for the following product ranges in particular:
- Cabinet PC CPC 2000 – 5200, ATX(2)
- Command Station CSx, CSBx
- Embedded Line EL 1000 – 9700
- Monitor Panel MP x00
- Operator Panel OPC 100 – 150
Our commitment to fairness: If a repair is no longer economical, we will work in close partnership with you. Do you need a tested replacement? R&D will take care of it!
Repairs via R&D Elektronik: a smooth process, worldwide. Check it!
Do you need support?
The customer service team is ready to help you:
Telefon: +49 (0) 2166 / 5506 -176 (-174)
Alternatively, you can send your device with a detailed description of the fault to the following address:
R&D Elektronik GmbH & Co.KG
Kundendienst Elektronik
Adolf-Kempken-Weg 98 – 104
41189 Mönchengladbach